9mm Films E-mail Disclaimer
This notice is deemed to form part of this communication in terms of Section 11 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is expressly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this email (or such person’s authorized representative), then: (a) please notify the sender of this email immediately by return email or telephone and delete this message from your system; (b) you may not print, store, forward or copy this message or any part thereof or disclose or cause information in this message to be disclosed to any other person. This communication and any information in or attached to this email message is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed. This information is confidential, and may be subject to legal privilege and confidentiality. Nothing in this message constitutes an offer, warranty or representation from 9mm Films. 9mm Films cannot be held liable for any harm or loss resulting from malicious software code or viruses in this message or attachments, including data corruption resulting there from. None of the 9mm Films officials or representatives are permitted to send unsolicited messages (“spam”) and 9mm Films cannot be held liable therefore. If you regard this message as spam, please inform 9mm Films immediately.
If this message contains offensive, derogatory or defamatory statements or materials, it means the message has been sent outside the sender’s scope of employment with 9mm Films and only the sender can be held liable in his/her personal capacity. This disclaimer applies to the original message, any attachments and all subsequent messages or attachments 9mm Films may send. If you have any questions on the above disclaimer, please contact the sender.